Creepypasta land 6

my name is jobani this happen 5 month's ago so this is the story. me and my friend jack and john my classmett call us the j group one day me and my firend want go capeing so will did back in school the say there was a land call the creepypasta land i didn't believe that so they say if you go there all the creepypast like ben, jeff,jane,rake and slendar man. One day my family went to a land i explore the land there was a werid sound and there was a foot not human foot i saw that foot i remberer it look like the rake foot i didn't believe it so i went long nothing happen i saw a werid thing it look like that slender man i think that i was in creepypasta land so it was that next day i explore more i saw blood i scared someone say ahhhhhhhhhhh! i saw all the creepypasta's they want to kill me so i run to the side of the land i got the last boat when to back home. i don't told known in uinte this day. this is not real ok